
Is this the perfect dress? Sewing for Paris #2, (plus 'last call' for the big giveaway!)

By Victoria As-it-Seams - 09:12

So I think I've made the perfect dress!
I have 'smart-ish' clothes for work, and comfortable things for cleaning the house and looking after the children, but not much in between. 
And it was the much-talked about Paris Sew Social weekend that spurred me on to expand my wardrobe.
I've already blogged about one dress sewn for Paris, the Merchant and Mills linen 'petite robe' .
This is the 'wearable muslin' for that dress - and has turned out to be my favourite...

Denim dress, Vanessa Pouzet, La petite Robe, as-it-seams
It's Vanessa Pouzet's La Petite Robe pattern again - made in cheap denim from my local shop, before cutting into the expensive Merchant and Mills linen.

Sometimes when I can't sleep I try to count how many dresses I own. And I actually don't want to reach the final total, because it will shock me. But it's A LOT.
I live in dresses. They allow me to dress without thinking. Somehow I just get confused when I try to think how to put a blouse and skirt together.  But I also wear jeans a lot - they allow me to feel a little anonymous, and ready for anything.
So a denim dress?! Mais oui! C'est parfait.
Halfway between 'dressed up' and 'dressed down'. Perfect for anywhere. And perfect for sight-seeing and shopping in Paris.

And one of the absolute joys in Paris was that I persuaded fellow blogger and dear friend Sophie, from C'est la Vie to take a few pictures of this dress 'in situ' in the beautiful Place du Vosges in Le Marais district of Paris.

Denim dress, Vanessa Pouzet, La petite Robe, as-it-seams

Ah Sophie, Merci, merci! I felt a little silly, but it was a zillion times better than trying to get Mr As-it-seams to photograph me, or fiddling with the self-timer in my poorly lit house. How I wish I could do a 'fashion shoot' every week in the Place du Vosges with lovely Sophie...

Denim dress, Vanessa Pouzet, La petite Robe, as-it-seams

Here we are checking out the pics, see I am actually a bit scruffy (trainers and tights - not a great look). And another of the Place du Vosge, enjoying a picnic with Sophie and Marta of Do Guincho, the day before, and I'm wearing my OTHER version of this dress. The Place du Vosges became a bit of a meeting point for us all on our Paris Sew Social weekend. It's near some of the best fabric shops, and is an elegant oasis of green in the city

Back to that dress. I stuck to the pattern except for two slight alterations.
I added in-seam pockets. Because I cannot have a dress without pockets. I think they spoil the line of the skirt a little, and they gape a bit, so I'm sure it would be more elegant without them.  
But still, I'd rather have a dress with pockets. 
And I actually made this dress a couple of months ago and wore it with tights and boots a lot. Then when the weather warmed up and I wore it for the first time with bare legs, it felt too short.
 I just don't want to bear that extra inch or two of leg. So I lengthened it with an extra panel of denim around the hem, and topstitched it and encased the seam allowance. I think it 'works' because it's denim, but you can probably see that the two sections are slightly different shades of blue - because the dress has been through the washing machine half a dozen times more than the panel! But that will even out.
Denim dress, Vanessa Pouzet, La petite Robe, as-it-seams

Denim dress, Vanessa Pouzet, La petite Robe, as-it-seams

This is my new favourite dress - and one of the best things I've sewn myself.
Random strangers comment, 'nice dress' and I know it's the kind of thing that would cost £50 or more in a shop and cost me a quarter that to make. Smug sewing is the best kind of sewing - right?

And the pattern is still my fave - I have actually made a third version in some gorgeous fabric, but another showing of this could be boring, and it's a winter dress, so I may wait a few months....

If you're quick there's still time to enter our big Paris Sew Social giveaway - there are three prizes on offer, and the chance to join us in out June Paris blog tour. We'd love you to take part too....!

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  1. The dress really suits you. Such a good fit. I love that you can dress it up or dress it down. The kind of dress that every gal needs.

  2. The dress is lovely. And I love denim! I bet it looked super with the boots, but it also looks nice with casual shoes :) Gotta check out the pattern for when I get my body back ;)

  3. You look fantastic Victoria - this dress suits you perfectly! I have a light denim Staple dress that I wear ALL THE TIME - I totally get what a perfect all rounder this is :)

  4. I am so glad I was able to take this nice photo of you with your gorgeous dress on! we had so much fun! I really love this pattern on you, both versions really are looking good. I would like to see your third version. hope you are ok. I am preping for school tomorrow! hugs

  5. Love it! It looks even better in real life! x

    1. Thanks Laura - wish I got to pose around in Paris in my dress every weekend!


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