
Japanese blouse, in a Cookie Book print good enough to eat

By Victoria As-it-Seams - 14:02
A little blouse. In a lovely print. Made from a Japanese pattern. With a touch of piping This makes me happy. Am I the only one who spent hours, nay days, gazing at the Cotton and Steel collections online trying to make decisions? In the end I bought three prints, all very different, and this is the first to be sewn up -...

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Is this the perfect dress? Sewing for Paris #2, (plus 'last call' for the big giveaway!)

By Victoria As-it-Seams - 09:12
So I think I've made the perfect dress! I have 'smart-ish' clothes for work, and comfortable things for cleaning the house and looking after the children, but not much in between.  And it was the much-talked about Paris Sew Social weekend that spurred me on to expand my wardrobe. I've already blogged about one dress sewn for Paris, the Merchant and Mills linen 'petite...

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Paris Sew Social - and a three-prize Giveaway!

By Victoria As-it-Seams - 23:00
A weekend in Paris? Child free? Shopping for fabric and meeting some of my best sewing friends? It’s no wonder that by the Saturday night of our #Parissewsocial weekend I could barely sleIep, honestly I was like a little kid at Christmas. Picnics in Paris' Place du Vosge It all started with an email from Anneka at Naeh Connection and Jo of Dotta...

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