
Alice in Wonderland 150th birthday celebrations and giveaway. Chapter One, A Tea Party

By Victoria As-it-Seams - 04:46
As it Seams has joined the 150th anniversary of Alice in Wonderland celebrations organised by Made by Sara, and has got a little bit carried away. Honestly, this idea has REALLY inspired my sewing mojo.....Welcome to.. Missy in Wonderland by As it Seams...  Chapter One (I know, I know... I'm sew loopy) Take a journey with me and Missy down the rabbit hole.......

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A Bedford Dress! Plus discount and giveaway update

By Victoria As-it-Seams - 01:47
(STOP PRESS - The Big Paris Sew Social Giveaway is still up and running! Hop over here for the first step, to win a choice of pattern from LBG Studio, then cruise around to win 16 prizes!) If you've ever photographed a little girl, especially my little girl, then you'll know that their favourite trick is to run away. But hurrah! With the...

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