
Japanese Sewing Week - an 'Alice in Wonderland' blouse

By Victoria As-it-Seams - 02:29
Giveaway, giveaway alert! Scroll to bottom if you're in a rush! It's the first ever Japanese Sewing Week!  My contribution to JSW, organised by Sara at Made by Sara combines two 'inspirations'; a Japanese pattern and Alice in Wonderland. I know, that's a bit strange, the link will become clear. The details Pattern - Pintucked blouse, Happy Homemade Sew Chic Kids by Tuttle...

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Tutorial: Adding BiasTrim. A Hand-illustrated Guide

By Victoria As-it-Seams - 15:12
Want  a bit more colour on a collar? Or a pocket? Or a cuff? Bias trim is the new piping! I like the flatness of the finish, and the almost 'military' stripes it can add to a dress, like this newly finished Tinny dress, blogged here.   . Before I go straight in to the Step-by-Step, here's a few thoughts.  I'm not a...

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