
Galloping with Galahad (and giveaway update)

By Victoria As-it-Seams - 16:02

After a productive August, I've hit a September sewing bottleneck. There are two half-cut dresses in my sewing drawer and all the bits ready for a third project, as well as infinite new 'sewing babies' forming in the crafty corner of my brain.
But my little windows of time keep disappearing. 
So, given that I always underestimate just how long a sewing project will take (not to mention finding the perfect moment to get Missy to cooperate for photographs) I thought I'd share this, until I get round to blogging the next complete garment!

Meet Missy's trusty steed, currently named Galahad...

He's actually a year old. I set out to make him for Missy's second birthday - and she's three and a half now. And  she was probably about two-and-a-half when he actually rode into her life (...did I mention that I underestimate projects?).

This was a pretty simple project. Some buff coloured stretchy fleece fabric cut out in a large 'sock' shape, on the fold, so not much seaming. He's stuffed with the insides of an old pillow. 

I tied a strong thread very tightly around the nose to give it a more 'horsey' nose shape. This thread is now covered with the blue cord which forms a bridle. The ears are simply triangles of fleece stitched together and stitched to the head in a curve.

Eyes are bits of felt and I had a 'Eureka' moment when I used scraps of net for eyelashes. I also made very strong stitches into the body of the head (does this make sense?) to create dimples where the eyes are, and give it more shape.

Then I went CRAZY in the haberdashery department of my local shop, buying home furnishing trimmings. Fringes, pompoms, tassles etc etc. Galahad did once have a bell as well, but that has probably disappeared into vacuum cleaner heaven.

Missy has named him Galahad, and that's pretty cool with me.  She's wearing her Secret Squirrel outfit (details here) on what I fear may be the last hot day of summer.

And, I don't think I've mentioned this before but Missy's nickname at her nursery is 'The Opera Singer', and she really loves to sing.  I often get her to sing her long made-up songs when I'm photographing her, as it makes her stand still! Here she is in full voice! Maybe one day I'll add sound to this blog!

There are a couple of things I learnt when making Galahad this, which I feel I should pass on.

Attaching the head to a broom handle was my weak spot. I simply tied it on. And it kept falling off. Mr As-it-Seams eventually etched a groove into the wood and then tied it on VERY tightly. It doesn't look very elegant, but I really can't face doing anything about it.

And I made Galahad too big. He's fine now that Missy is 3 and a half, but when she was 2 he was just too heavy for her, and she couldn't counter-balance his weight very well.

Now of course he's perfect for adventures...

Giveaway update - you may remember my lovely Echino fat quarter up for grabs? Thanks to all those who entered, Maria Del Mar Hunt, over on the FB page, was picked out the hat by a very sweet little girl named Rosie. Happy sewing Maria!

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  1. Lucky, lucky me!!! I won that precious Echino fabric! thank you so much.Galahad is so pretty! you are very talented, I love all the pompoms and decoration you put on him. I can relate to you about the time I think a project will take...tons of projects without finish and new days with more things to do.

    1. Hi Maria ! Don't forget to email me your address and I'll get the echino sent off! Let me know what you make!

    2. Hi Victoria. Did you received my email on Facebook? I hope you did. Because I don't see another email address to email you. Please don't think I don't want that precious Echino fabric :).

    3. Hi , yes I got the message and fabric should be winging its way too you as we speak !

  2. Oh Galahad is so cute :) I started making a bunny for Little Monkey for Easter... It is still not finished... I think it will be good to play with by next Easter hahaha

    1. When my niece was born, I made her a lovely velvet Christmas stocking. A couple of years later my nephew was born. He finally got his handmade Christmas stocking last year - aged ten!. Little Monkey will love her bunny whenever he arrives!

  3. I love all the adornments that Galahad is sporting and his eyelashes are fantastic. Great job making a toy that I'm sure will be well loved and used for a long time.

    1. I've featured Galahad today...

  4. I love Galahad! You made it sound so easy to make (I;m sure I will finish it by the time my toddler graduates from high school)


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