
Announcement: Calling all Mothers!

By Victoria As-it-Seams - 15:10

Some announcements:

Firstly; I haven't blogged any sewing in a while, but that's not because I haven't been sewing.
I simply haven't been able to document it, because my camera has disappeared into camera-heaven. 
But, hurrah, I now have a new camera,  poised and ready for a new spring season of sewing. And just in time. Because....

Ta Da... 2nd Announcement:

As-it-seams is preparing to host some really wonderful ladies for another New Series!
Can you believe it?  Straight Grain, Petit a Petit, While she was sleeping, Sewpony, Nat and the Gang, Compagnie M - will be taking a Sunday blogging journey from Mother's Day in the UK to Mother's Day in the USA and Australia!

Last summer, yes it was that long ago, I was totally inspired by Suz at Sewpony's series When we were young, where guest bloggers recreate outfits from their childhood. It set me on a whole journey. I looked through old photos with a new eye, and talked to my mother about what she sewed, how and why and asked, did she run into the same problems as I do now...(like cutting things out late at night...etc...etc)...

And that got me thinking about how sewing can be a gift from women down the generations, how it is part of our heritage. It can be a skill which binds us to the older, wiser women who cross our paths, whether that's mothers, grandmothers, older sisters, aunts or neighbours.

My mother has just visited me from her home 300 miles away and we spent our last evening together with me quizzing her on how to mark and cut the pattern pieces for my next sewing project (a shirt for Mr As-it-seams. Have I totally gone crazy?). I was sad when she left, especially that she can't actually stay here for another week and mark the tailor's tacks for me!

I digress...My idea about sewing generations, has led to a series From My Mother to Me, with seven wonderful bloggers agreeing to share the best of their mothers' wisdom, or the gifts from grandmothers, aunts or other inspiring women.

Over seven Sundays, from Mother's Day in the UK on March 30 to Mother's Day in the USA and Australia on May 11,  we'll be celebrating and sharing the best of motherhood and the gift of sewing here at As-it-seams. Perhaps you have some little gems, sewing techniques or methods that always make you think of your mother. I'd love to hear about them. Email me at victoria_temple[at]hotmail.com or comment over the coming weeks and I'll do a 'round-up' here. And if you sew anything 'mother inspired' even better!

It's making me feel excited and sentimental just thinking about it!

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  1. So glad you're back Victoria! This series sounds just perfect :)

  2. This sounds wonderful!! How do we join in? Will there be link ins or anything like that?

    1. Alisa, I'd love people to join in! I'm working on a plan for how to make this work. I don't think I'll do a 'link party' though. not sure. Ideas gratefully received, and I'll email you - and keep people updated here on as-it-seams...

  3. What a great series, Victoria! I am really looking foward to know what your amazing guests will have to share with us.
    Unfortunaly my mother never liked to sew (I think it was out of fashion in the '80...) but my grand mother made me and my sister some lovely dresses that my daughters are wearing now too.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. I love hearing from you, and try to reply as often as I can, either here or by email. All views, tips, gratefully received...