
Mr As-it-Seams' birthday present...

By Victoria As-it-Seams - 14:27

When it comes to Mr As-it-Seams birthday present, I'm often stumped...
He's not very materialistic and believes in practicality. So what do I buy him?
For his last birthday I had what I thought was a 'good idea'...

I bought a couple of metres of pure linen from our local fabric shop, parceled it up with this Burda pattern, and a promise that I would sew him a shirt. Mr As-it-seams is not a 'shirt and tie' guy. This collarless style, with a yoke, was a much better idea.

This is the same fabric I used for Missy's Secret Squirrel outfit last summer, see here. It was a bargain - I bought what was left on the roll. 

Mr As-it-Seams' birthday is in August.
This week I presented him with the finished shirt. Yes, it's June...

Now I know why sewing shirts is the stuff of folk songs. As I silently cursed my 'good idea', the lyrics of ancient English folksong and Simon and Garfunkel classic  were in my mind.
Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme;
Remember me to the one who lives there,
For once she was a true love of mine.
Tell her to make me a cambric shirt,
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme;
Sewn without seams or fine needlework,
If she would be a true love of mine.

This was a completely different sewing experience from sewing for my little Missy. I couldn't just 'whizz up' a bodice...This shirt looks deceptively simple, but I knew that if I didn't make a real effort to sew this 'precisely' it would look awful. So, where I could, I matched stripes, I marked every pattern instruction, every notch. I top stitched with love, I cursed buttonholes... Look! Those stripes match on the inside and outside of the collar! And on inside and outside of the cuffs!...

Mr As-it-Seams is the most  handsome man I know. I won't be making a shirt again in a hurry, but I love to think of him wearing my love in linen on his back.
Now, his next birthday is only six weeks away. Present suggestions anyone?

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  1. you can be so proud of yourself!!! this is looking really great! wow! and yes, he must be touched to wear something you made with love for him.

  2. Victoria! This is totally awesome! What a romantic present - who cares it took so long? Look at the result! Do you think he might want a pair of pants to go with his new shirt ;) Congrats Victoria :)

  3. Wow! You did a excellent job on this shirt. I love this fabric it's perfect, what a great choice. I am definitely going to have to find this pattern and make one of my very own. Everything is lined up just right. Very good job ; )

  4. Amazing, just Amazing. ;-)

  5. Very impressive matching of stripes, Victoria!!! You've done an awesome job and the shirt looks great. I do like the casual collar. Maybe you could make matching pants for this year's birthday:-)

    1. Hi Victoria, I've featured your shirt today...

  6. visiting you from Threading my way. What a gorgeous shirt. I could not match up stripes like that. Amazing!!
    I love it and love that it is linen.

  7. The shirt is awesome! You did great matching stripes and everything else, very impressive!

  8. you did a great job... i've been wanting to sew some men's clothes but i always get bored them ans leave them half way...
    maybe you can try to make him some shorts now...


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