
Stitched Together for Rachel - A little fish

By Victoria As-it-Seams - 00:28

This is a  little fish who is about to go on a big journey. He's on his way across the Atlantic to welcome Rachel at Stitched Together's new baby!

Did you see my post last week? My little nostalgic story about groups of friends creating a special mobile for a new baby.  
Now eight of us from across the globe have come together for one of our blogging friends, to create something special for the imminent arrival of a baby. 
And of course the baby that's brought us all together is Rachel who blogs at Stitched Together. Rachel, this little fish is for you, and your baby girl who will be here soon. I
 love Rachel's blog. Her sewing is always gorgeous, and she also offers a little window on her world, with her four (soon to be five) children in sunny Texas. Like many of her readers I feel like I've got to know Rachel over the last year or so. And now her newest baby is about to arrive.
This little fish is made of a scrap of Nani Iro double gauze. The herringbone print just begged to become a fish. The double gauze is so fine and soft that it was a tricky thing to sew, being so small. 
I reinforced it with interfacing, then used the very technical process of 'fiddling about.' A little bit of embroidery in silver thread, to  sparkle to catch a baby's eye, adds a bit of a 'scales' effect. I didn't think about the technicalities of this too carefully, the loop is (oops) sewn at a funny angle, which means this fish will forever be swimming upwards. That's ok though? He can symbolise optimism.
Little fish won't be swimming alone! 
He'll be joined by creations from:

Take a tour round their blogs to see what will be joining him on this mobile frame hoop.

I've covered a wooden embroidery hoop in cotton tape, which sounds like it should be easy, but is a fiddle. I've kept the colours subtle and neutral to let the fish and the other surprises shine. The only adornment are four mother of pearl buttons.

And this is a little fish with a message; Rachel, I love  new babies, I love that special moment when their dark eyes struggle to focus on you, and the way soft little heads nestle into your shoulder. I know that you know how fast and precious it all is. I hope that you spend this summer resting, and being well loved and cared for to enjoy and get to know a new personality in your lives. And whenever you're ready, we'll love to read about it!

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  1. so so darling!! Rachel is very lucky to have so many good friends aroung the world. I love her blog too, she is such a great woman and mother! this fish is adorable!

  2. Wow, Victoria, I just can't believe this! I am truly so surprised and touched and really can't even believe it! I am so moved that you would do this for me. I saw the posts pop up on Feedly while I was waiting to see my midwife this morning and I just got teary right there in the waiting room. This means so much to me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! <3 Oh and I absolutely adore the fish! It's perfect!

  3. Victoria, you are truly amazing!!!!


  4. Such a fantastic, heartfelt idea - it was such a pleasure participating, Victoria! Thank you for infusing such kindness into the interwebs.

  5. i love your little nani IRO fish! thanks so much for putting this together, it's such a sweet idea :)

  6. What a beautiful fish, and a wonderful idea!


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