
Taking stock of 2013 - and there can never be too much piping

By Victoria As-it-Seams - 15:14

It is the year's midnight, or Hogmanay, as we Scots call it, and a time for taking stock, and reviewing the old year.

So I've been looking back at As it Seams, and how my little blog has grown and changed. Of course it's not actually a year. I only launched As it Seams in May, when blown away by the world of creativity I discovered online, I could not resist setting up my own little corner of the web.

Since then I've been sucked in to a world of inspiration, and made new sewing addict friends across the globe. Thank you ladies....

And I've learnt a few things in 2013;

1. Piping is always a good idea
2. Always have sweets in a pocket for 'photoshoots' for those moments when persuasion fails
3. Never cut anything after 11pm
4. If you experiment, be prepared to put that seamripper to good use.
5. Add pockets

My 2013 'bests'

1. Best dress 
This was really hard. I tend to love my most recent creations (currently the Christmas dress and the Louisa dress which has proved to be an everyday wearable fave). 
But one thing I have discovered in 2013, is I really LOVE it when Missy's dress makes random strangers smile. And it was the sight of her spinning in the flipped Tinny with a flash of Echino which did this more than any other. (Second only to  bubbles and birds dress, which also makes people smile).

2. Best Fabric
Has to be the Cloud 9 1000 Cranes seen here in bubbles and birds dress. I really, really hope this still fits Missy next year!

3. Most 'Indulgent' Dress.
Has to be this Maxi Tinny Dress. I admit I only made this dress because I HAD to sew Jeni Baker's Nordika fabric. But it hasn't been worn once. I made it  at the wrong time of year, and maxi is a limited option for a lively three-year-old. But I did make it nice and wide, so maybe next summer, when it's a midi dress?

4. Best Pattern
No Question. The Tinny by Straight Grain. I have used this pattern not once, not twice but  four times. Here in original form for I'm a Princess dress, flipped in the Echino spin dress, the maxi Tinny, and for the Christmas dress. There is nothing I cannot do without a classic bodice and skirt dress pattern. Thanks Straight Grain!

And some New Years Resolutions;

1. Be Practical.... (mostly) . Missy doesn't always need another dress 
2. Tidy my fabric drawer
3. Be precise and (a bit ) less experimental...

But please don't hold me to my resolutions...I make no promises.

Happy New Year - See you on the other side!

Now if you forgive the self-indulgence, here's my 2013 As it Seams photo round-up


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  1. I love the round up Victoria!!! But let's not limit the experimentation, shall we? Here's to another great sewing year and to getting to know each other better!

    Your Canadian friend,

  2. What a great round up!
    You'r so creative and your experiments really turn out awesome!
    Of course, I might disagree on the need for yet another dress - especially when there's a fabric/pattern calling my name :) My excuse is that sewing is a learning process and I do need lots of practice !
    Happy New Year for you and your loved ones!

    1. Thank you! I make no promises about 'more dresses', I'm often powerless to resist the call of lovely fabric...and there are already a few ideas hatching in my sewing brain!
      Happy New Year to you and your family too!

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