
Mad Men dress #2... and sewing blues

By Victoria As-it-Seams - 15:56

We're half way through March and the sun is (sometimes) shining.
So last Sunday I packed up a picnic, loaded Mr As-it-seams, Missy and Torin into the car and headed off into the sunshine to one of our favourite destinations, a 5,000 year-old Neolithic burial chamber, known as Waylands Smithy. It's a very special place; stunning views and a sense of timelessness. The children climbed and played, pretended to be cavemen. Eventually we headed home...
I lost my camera.
Perhaps I left it on the grassy slopes, perhaps (and I don't like to think about this - someone 'helped' my camera walk off from our picnic spot).

If I think about it too much , I get too sad. And  this could be  a lesson not to look at life through a lens.

But this is making me feel like my blogging 'right arm' is missing. Especially as tomorrow is Mssy's 4th birthday. 

Instead of making cakes and tidying the house ahead of her party tomorrow afternoon, I've been putting the finishing touches to her birthday dress, and party cloak.  I'd love to take photos, but they will have to wait until I have a new camera, and then I fear it will be a birthday dress embelished with birthday cake and chocolate smears.
And I'm trying not to think too much about having no camera for that 'blowing the candle' moment.... 

Experience the moment, not the viewfinder, will be my mantra!

And what has also cheered me up is Marta at Do Guincho's fantastic 'sew along' with the Take One Dress Series. She's sewn her a wonderful dress inspired by Miss Holloway's  Mad Men  dress. Isn't this so chic! Click over here to Do Guincho for more details.

I'd love to see your sew-alongs! Perhaps Jenya's vintage nautical dress in the March post of the Take One Dress series is inspiring you. Let me know! Add them to the Take One Dress Flickr group. Or like me, wait until April to see where it takes Suz of Sewpony...


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  1. I'm so sorry about your camera! A camera (or my IPhone) is something I can not like without!
    But you can try to see the good side of it: now you can buy a new one. It will be exciting!
    Thank you do much for sharing my dress! I am so happy with this dress! I love it! Sorry for the not do good photos but Teresa was not in a mood for being a model this time...

  2. Oh no!! So sorry about your camera - I understand.....my lens broke a few weeks ago and it took about 4 weeks for the replacement part to come from Japan - I was really lost without it :( My reaction was a surprise to me because pre-blogging I didn't use the camera much at all. I hope your new one will make up for it x

  3. Oh no sorry to hear about your camera, I imagine that left you with a very sickly feeling in your stomach. I hope you get your new one soon and it's bigger and better than the one before. (I also hope it was insured).

    On a brighter note, I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. I love the clothes you make and I'm a bit jealous. If you choose to accept the award head on over to Needle and Ted to see what you need to do.

  4. Oh no oh no!!!! That sucks Victoria!!! I hope you didn't have to many images in the camera... sometimes it's the lost images that make losing a camera so painful, and not the loss of the camera itself. But..... what are you going to buy now?? :-)


  5. sorry you lost your camera - how strange. Hoepfully it might turn up?

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