
From My Mother to Me#3: Just Add Fabric, and La Folie Sewing Booth (and $50 Miss Matatabi Giveaway)

By Victoria As-it-Seams - 04:34

Oh isn't this series lovely?
From My Mother to Me carries on today with more tales of motherhood  from another two of my dear sewing friends.

I would so love to meet Emi of Just Add Fabric - which sadly would involve a flight to Japan - but I know it would be such a pleasure.
Her sewing is beautiful. I love her fabric choices, always so pretty, and the little glimpses of Japan in her blog photos. And isn't this picture sweet! I love her mother's matching suit, and pretty floral pring (which is something you see often in Emi's sewing!) I'm so intrigued to learn more of her family history.  Follow me over here to find out more....

Next up is Ines of La Folie Sewing Booth
And I have had the pleasure of meeting Ines in real life in London recently (keep your eyes peeled for more about that adventure) and she was so much fun to be with. I love her little story, share over here, particularly her hand embroidered baby muslin squares, and that she's planning to collaborate with her mother on a new craft project!

And the giveaway to win $50 of wonderful Miss Matatabi fabric is still open... There have been so many lovely comments on the blog posts (you can comment on any blog post in the series to enter, just so long as you've clicked your entry on the rafflecopter).

It's really moving to read through them, this one from Sissy, is just an example:

"As I age I realize that I am more of a clone than an offspring of her. I am aging exactly as she did in looks and in everything. There are few days that go by that I don't remember something that Momma said or taught me. During those middle years when I thought we were worlds apart, I was just a fool. I just cut up a chicken the way that she taught me. With a wishbone. Thanks for everything Mom. I miss you."

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  1. I identify with what Sissy says so much - I find myself becoming more and more like my mother, and feeling more and more delighted about it. I can't imagine a better destiny than to be like her.

  2. i love reading these stories!

  3. Although I see a lot of myself in my mother (or is it the other way around?) I also learned with her generation that not everything in life as to be career oriented... i also enjoy finding little pockets of time to do my crafts and don't leave that part of myself behind.

  4. My mother passed on her love of gardening :)

  5. This is an awesome serie!☺


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